Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My future is his future

I've been neglecting my blog that I insisted I would post in at least once a week -- ha! I've been focusing on school, since I've come to the end of the semester FINALLY. My first semester as a mommy has been tough but I've pulled through and I think I did pretty well. I just have one huge paper to finish up on by Thursday. I cannot wait to be done, so I can spend more time with my little man and actually clean the house for once.

But come with the end of this semester, I have to apply to Brockport and this online college. I hope either one takes me. If they both take me, I have no clue what I'm going to do. I really like being able to be in a class setting but getting my entire Bachelor's degree online sounds intriguing. No hour long drive to school, no three hour classes, no snotty college kids. I could work around my schedule and go to "class" in my pajamas.

Now my next step is to pay off my $1500 balance at MCC so I can get ahold of my transcripts. Sigh.

School has not been easy for me. I'm suppose to be graduating from Brockport this year. It makes me heart sink every time I think about it. I took my opportunity to get an education at Brockport for granted. All my friends from highschool are graduating from college this semester. I keep thinking, that could have been me. I could have my degree by now.

But then I think of my son. My son, I thought I would have never said that. I have never loved a human being so much in my life. With that said, my struggle for my education is worth it. I may not have my degree right now, but I will someday. Having Owen makes me work so much harder for my future than I ever had before.