Monday, February 28, 2011

Day Fourteen

A person you can't imagine your life without ...

My son. In fact, I have no idea what I did before him. How boring my life must have been? He keeps me going each and everyday. I look forward to all the years to come from the accomplishments to the tough times. The love that you have for a child is a love like no other and no one will know what that means unless you are a parent. He has made me a better person and has already taught me many things like being patient, how to survive on sleep deprievation, and being selfless. I love my little bubba!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Day Thirteen

A picture of your favorite band or artist.

Kenny Chesney! I've been a fan since the age of 13. My two best friends and I shared an infinity for him. We went to every single concert of his that came to town. We decked ourselves out in Kenny Chesney gear, anything in hopes of getting Kenny Chesney's attention. As much as we tried, it never worked. Someday, I'm convinced I will meet him and will be able to tell him just how much his music has changed my life. I'm sure fans tell him all the time, but I really became a different person because of his music. I learned how to be myself and not live in fear of what others think. Now that's life-changing for me.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Few CVS Deals

So I got a few deals at CVS I thought I might share.

Purex 3 and 1 dryer sheets $3.99
-Coupon $3/1 Purex dryer sheets. Final Price: $.99 (I had two coupons so I bought 2)

Pine-Sol $2
-Coupon $1/1 Pine-sol. Final Price: $1

Tilex Mold and Mildew Cleaner $2
- Coupon $1/1 Tilex Product. Final Price: $1

Original total: $12.54

After Coupons: $4.88

I'm thinking since I'm going to start keeping track of how much I save with coupons ect each month, just to see what the difference is in the end. Maybe after a year I'll total every month up! Should be fun to see how much money I really save.

A good tip that I read on another blog to keep in mind is if the item is on sale, like the ones I mention above for example, but you don't neccesarily need it quite yet, still buy it if it's a good deal and you have coupons. It saves you money in the end, plus it's handy to have a stock pile!

I am becoming...

The crazy coupon lady you see at retail and grocery stores holding up the lines and flipping out when the clerk can't get a coupon to scan. Yes, I've become that person. But I'm not ashamed because things are tight and we need to save every penny possible.

I've been couponing for over a year now but then I watched that "Extreme Couponing" on TLC and was inspired by the fact that these people were buying a weeks worth of groceries and only spending $2.97 or whatever on the entire thing because of coupons! So I did my research and found a ton of blogs online of people who look for store deals every week and tell you how to get items for as little as $1 to FREE!

Yes, it can be a bit of work, but I look at it more as a hobby. I'll spend my free time researching these blogs, finding the deals, writing them down, and compiling coupons. I can't believe that I once paid full price for a lot of items that I can get now for free. Not to mention, a lot of them are brand name products.

My favorite place so far is Target. They allow you to use manufacturer coupons PLUS their printable store coupons on one item making a lot of items cost as little as pennies. Here is what I got on my Target shopping excursion yesterday:

Up & Up Dental Floss $.89
- Target Coupon $1/1 Oral Care item. Final Price: FREE

Up & Up Mouthwash $1.37
-Target Coupon $1/1 Oral Care item. Final Price: $.37

Up & Up All Purpose Cleaner w/bleach $1.37
-Target Coupon $1/1 Cleaning product. Final Price: $.37

Up & Up Dryer Sheets $1.37
-Target Coupon $1/1 Cleaning Product. Final Price: $.37

Up & Up Cotton Balls $1.29
- Target Coupon $.50/1 Cotton product. Final Price: $.79

Up & Up Ibuprofen 50 ct $1.29
- Target Coupon $1/1 Ibuprofen or Children's Ibuprofen. Final Price: $.29

Finish Quantum Powerball Tabs 20 ct $2.99
-Target Coupon $1.50/1 Finish Quantum Tabs + Manufacturer Coupon $.75/1
Final Price: $.74

Halls Cough Drops $1.19
-Target Coupon $.50/1 + Manufacturer Coupon $.50/1 Halls Cough Drops
Final Price: $.19 x2 = $.38(I had double the coupons so I bought 2 bags)

Vaseline For Men 10oz $2.69
-Target Coupon $1/1 + Manufacturer Coupon $1/1 Vaseline Lotion
Final Price: $.69

French's Spicey Brown Mustard $1.39
-Manufacturer Coupon $1/1 French's spicey Brown mustard. Final Price: $.39

Kikkoman Soy Sauce $1.42
-Manufacturer Coupon $1/1 Kikkoman Product. Final Price: $.42

Mossimo Jeans (Originally $19.99) on Clearance for $4.98
- Target Coupon $5/1 pair of jeans. Final price: FREE

Total without Coupons: $26.59

Total with coupons: $6.97

I saved $19.92

Needless to say, I'm addicted. Finances have been extra tight for Ryan and I recently with the $2,200 worth of dental work I just had done, so I've been trying to find ways to save money anywhere I can. Call me Frugal, I could care less, that $19.92 that I saved at this Target trip can buy me a box of Pampers Diapers for Owen!

I keep updating on my frugal adventures....

Day Eleven

A picture of something you hate.

Liquid medicine. I HATE it. My husband thinks I'm the biggest baby. There has been plenty of times when I've been sick and he tried to get me to take liquid medicine and I scream and run like a child. The mere thought of it makes me gag and I feel sick to my stomach as we speak. Gross. It's difficult for me to remain calm and unaffected when I have to give Owen liquid medicine. He thinks it's candy. He's stronger than I am.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day Ten

A picture of the person you have the most fun with

My sister Summer. She brings out my inner crazyness and I'm not afraid to be myself with her. She's full of vibrant energy and I can always count on a laugh when she's around. I feel like I'm 13 again when were together.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Day nine

A picture of the person who has got you through the most.

Without a doubt, it's my Oma. She hasn't been there for just me, but she has been there for my whole family. She gave us a place to live when we were without a home. She watched my brother and I so my mom could go back to school and get her degree. She watches my son for Ryan and I and spoils him to death with nothing but love. She held me on the nights I was lonely and missing Ryan when he was in the Marine Corps. She has supported us financially through everything -- school, food, shelter. I remember when Ryan and I got our first place together she went on a shopping spree and bought us everything we needed to live on our own. She loves unconditionally and expects nothing in return. I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for my Oma.

*I've been slacking with my "30 day challenge" forgive me, but we've had a lot going on. See previous post.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Not our year.

I'm not one to be negetive but this year can kiss my ass. Seriously. Since New Year's Eve, it has been nothing but stress, upon stress, upon stress. It started in December with my mom having Ovarian surgery. Then Dakota became ill with leukemia right after Christmas and passed in January. I had dental work done, which ended in surgery and THEN led to a root canal the day after Dakota passed. All this dental has contributed to our financial strain.

Steve had a little spell, which landed him in the Emergency Room at one point. Then I became ill, then Owen became ill and now Ryan is ill. Maybe I'm being a little dramatic, but I'm always nervous wondering, what is going to be next? I can't afford any more bad news or worries. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger...right?

Oh and then add sleep deprevation on top of it all! Now lack of sleep, that alone may kill me ;-)

All I can say is that I am ever so thankful for the family we have in our lives. They have been there helping us through everything from lending us money to watching Owen. We are so truely blessed to be surrounded by amazing, selfless people. A BIG thank you to Aunt Sissa and Uncle Jay for taking Owen for the night, so Ryan and I can have a full nights rest. I am so looking forward to it.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day Eight

A picture that makes you laugh

Our "Carlos"

Crazy night in Antigua

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day Seven

A picture of your most treasured item

Ryan bought me a Pandora charm bracelet for Christmas this year. I was dying to have one and I absolutely love it. I've become obsessed. I love being able to make it my own and have it represent me.

Monday, February 14, 2011

We've been jinxed

"You've been lucky," That's what Dr.Eisenburg told us last week at Owen's 15 month appointment. In Owen's nearly 16 months of life he has only been sick twice, and both those times were mild colds that barely lasted three days. He's never had a fever.

Saturday night Owen went to bed around 8:30 and he typically wakes up once or twice in the middle of the night. We didn't hear a peep from him until 8am the next morning. Of course, being the paranoid mother I am, I got up a couple times to make sure he was still breathing.

As soon as I picked him up out of his crib Sunday morning, I knew he had a fever. I could feel him burning up underneath his fuzzy, footed pajamas and his lips were all chapped and dry. Sure enough, he had a fever of 100.5.

So Owen officially has his first fever and what I hope is just a virus that he will fight off in the next couple days. For now it's tylenol and lots of love from Mama.

Thanks Dr.Eisenburg.

Day six

A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with.

I'd love to trade places with Taylor Swift. She's so fascinating. She's super famous, but still as genuine as ever. Not only that but she's what only 20? and has probably accomplished all her life's dreams already. I wish I could steal her creative abilities and the fact that she dabbles in more than one genre of music is pretty cool.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day Five

A picture of your favorite memory......

Kenny Chesney concerts with Pam and Brittany.

Ryan Graduating boot camp from the Marine Corps (Februrary 9th 2006)

The day Ryan proposed to me (December 24th 2006)

Our Wedding day (May 22nd 2009)

The day Owen was born (October 15th 2009)

Antigua (November 2010)

Friday, February 11, 2011

Day Four

A picture of your night

Sorry about the quality. I keep forgetting to charge my camera. I've been pretty slack lately. Anyways, this is how I spend my Friday nights; with my little man. I wouldn't have it any other way. We went to grandma's for dinner and he entertained everyone with his dance moves and his endless amounts of energy. On that note, I'm exhausted and need SLEEP!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day Three

A picture of your favorite cast

I know, I know, the show is over for good. It makes me super sad because it was my favorite show and I haven't had a good show to replace it yet. The story line was awesome, although the end became a touch crazy.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Backpack

I went back in time this morning briefly. Ryan left the house to drop Owen off at Oma's and then make his way to work. I continued to get myself ready for work. My phone rang and it was Ryan. He typically doesn't call soon after he leaves so immediately, I'm thinking the worse.

"I forgot my backpack. I'll be there in two seconds to grab it. Can you bring it to the front door me?" A sigh of relief overcame my paranoid self. I ran downstairs and grabbed his black backpack. I waited by the door and handed it to him as he ran up the stairs. I chuckled. "What are you laughing at?" He asked. "Oh, nothing," I said. He rolled his eyes and gave me a kiss goodbye.

After he left I thought about that backpack and the whole seven years it's been with us. In fact it was there at the start of our relationship in high school when we first started "seeing" each other. It was like a souvenir from our past. Ryan and I hung out after classes often. We'd either go to his house for sandwiches or stop by Hometown Hero's for garbage plates. It never failed he always left his backpack in the back of my car. There were countless autumn nights that he would come to my house to pick up his backpack or I would end up turning around in my car to bring his backpack back to him.

Before we made it official, Ryan had this crazy ex that he was trying to ward off. Late one school night I found Ryan's backpack in the back of my car. I decided to bring it to him the following day at school before our first class started. I remember walking down the hall filled with students and lockers while carrying Ryan's backpack. Then she spotted me, the ex. She looked right at Ryan's backpack then right at me. I paused. She started Running full speed in her biker and plaid school girl skirt after me.

I ran the opposite direction. "WHY DO YOU HAVE MY BOYFRIEND'S BACKPACK, YOU SLUT!" She screamed. I didn't stop. My goal was Ryan. Maybe he could stop the bitch. I ran up the stairs to find Ryan waiting at the top. At first he smiled. Then he saw her and his face froze over. "SHE'S AFTER ME BECAUSE I HAVE YOUR BACKPACK!" I yelled as I was almost out of breath. Needless to say, no one was injured but there was a lot of screaming and yelling. Ryan got his backpack safe and sound.

That backpack has been there with us from the million times we have moved, to our summer vacations on Kiawah Island, throughout Ryan's career in the Marine Corps, from our hospital stay when Owen was born. It's always remained constant, just like our love for one another.

So when Ryan forgot his backpack this morning, I had a good laugh and reminisced the beginning of "us" and how far we have come and how much we have to look forward too. I texted Ryan after he left about my revelation. He texted back "I love you and for the record I wasn't forgetting the bag."

Day Two

A picture of you and the person you've been the closest to the longest
What better than to pick my mother for this one. I mean I've known her since my first day on this planet and I'm insanely close to her. We get comments all the time that we look like sisters and not mother and daughter. She's my best friend and one of the best friends I could ever have. She doesn't judge and just loves me for who I am, no matter if I'm wrong or right. Plus, she's a lot of fun to be around. I love you mama, around and around in circles forever and ever.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day One

A picture of you with 10 facts
1. My son is the love of my life and he has given me the greatest gift I could ever ask for: being a mommy.
2. My best vacation to date was in Antigua. It was there I discovered that I must have lived in the Caribbean in a past life. I loved it that much. I belong there.
3. I'm a Kenny Chesney fan for life.
4. I absolutely hate cooking.
5. My husband is my high school sweetheart. I don't know what I'd do without him. He makes me sundaes with rainbow sprinkles when I'm feeling down.
6. I can't thrive each morning without my cup of coffee, preferably from Dunkin Donuts, large with cream and sugar.
7. I'm addicted to shopping. Anywhere, anytime.

8. I'm terrified of flying. I use to love it until I was on a bad flight from visiting Ryan in Camp Lejeune. Now I need to take Xantax before I step foot in an airport.
9. My family is everything to me. They are always there for me when I need and they helped create the person I am today.
10. I love life along with all it's struggles. What is life if there are no challenges to face?

30 Photo Challenge

I'm going to be a follower and take this challenge to get some more posts going on in my lame blog. And clearly, I'm a little bored. I need to go back to school.

Here's the agenda:

Day 1 - A picture of yourself with 10 FACTS

Day 2 - A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest

Day 3 - A picture of the cast from your favorite show

Day 4 - A picture of your night

Day 5 - A picture of your favorite memory

Day 6 - A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day

Day 7 - A picture of your most treasured item

Day 8 - A picture that makes you laugh

Day 9 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most

Day 10 - A picture of the person you do the most ****** up things with

Day 11 - A picture of something you hate

Day 12 - A picture of something you love

Day 13 - A picture of your favorite band or artist

Day 14 - A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without

Day 15 - A picture of something you want to do before you die

Day 16 - A picture of someone who inspires you

Day 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently

Day 18 - A picture of your biggest insecurity

Day 19 - A picture and a letter

Day 20 - A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel

Day 21 - A picture of something you wish you could forget

Day 22 - A picture of something you wish you were better at

Day 23 - A picture of your favorite book

Day 24 - A picture of something you wish you could change

Day 25 - A picture of your day

Day 26 - A picture of something that means a lot to you

Day 27 - A picture of yourself and a family member

Day 28 - A picture of something you're afraid of

Day 29 - A picture that can always make you smile

Day 30 - A picture of someone you miss

Day 31 - A picture of yourself

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Simply Simple

I had a nice simple weekend. I've been craving one for a long time. It was very laid back and almost stress free. Better yet, the weekend isn't quite over yet! Were going to the in laws later for Marissa's birthday party and for the Superbowl (Although, I could care less who wins). AND I have tomorrow off since I have to work Saturday. Which I don't know if it's necessarily a good thing because who wants to work Saturdays?

Friday was my early day at work. I did some retail therapy, not for myself though. I had to buy a million birthday gifts for the all the birthdays that are coming up! Anytime I have to go shopping though for anything it's like therapy, so it still felt good. That might be an addiction...right? Oh well.

Ryan and I ordered Chinese food, I was craving it terribly. Ryan was mad at me because I always order the same thing -- Shrimp Fried Rice. I'm a woman of habit, what can I say. It really bugs him though and he thinks I need to "branch out." Owen made us crack up. We were wrestling him trying to get his PJ's on and Ryan grabbed him and he yells "NO, DADA, NO." May not sound like a big deal to you, but coming from a kid who never talks, were were stunned to say the least!

Yesterday morning I finished all the laundry I wanted to do, which never happens. Usually I end up throwing it in the washer Sunday night then I fall asleep and forget to put it in the dryer. Then I wake up at 6am Monday morning pissed to no end because I have no clean pants to wear to work. So yes, finishing laundry Saturday morning was a big deal to me.

Then I went grocery shopping, which may have been dumb. Why do I even bother grocery shopping at Wegmans on a Saturday afternoon? It's like Christmas every weekend there and no one cares if there in your way when your trying to figure out what cereal to buy. I drove him in some freak snowstorm that came out of no where. Some woman in an SUV felt I was going to slow on the Thruway and decided to pass by me. Well, what do you know she ended up sliding and doing a 360. I just kept going.....don't worry she was fine. Karma can be a bitch though.

I came home, spent time with my husband and little man, made some Alfredo sauce and was in bed by 10pm. Yes, that is a simply, perfect weekend.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I'm not one for the snow. I don't mind it around Christmas time but after New Year's, it starts to get old. This historic winter storm that literally swallowed half of our country was going to slam us here in New York last night.... Yea not so much.

This storm had all sorts of nicknames "The Beast", "Snowpoclpyse", and "Snowmageddon." It was a storm of historic proportions, and indeed proved to be true in the Midwest right up to Chicago. With all the hype surrounding this storm, I was starting to get really excited. Wow, I might actually have a snow day off from work! All kinds of awesome thoughts floated through my mind.

I could take Owen out to play in the snow for the first time. Then we can go inside and drink hot chocolate and watch movies on TBS all afternoon. I was looking forward to some snow after all. I was looking forward to reliving my childhood snow days. I miss the excitement and the joy seeing our School scroll across the news channel. My hopes were high.

I went to bed and to be perfectly honest, I had a hard time sleeping because I was THAT excited about a snow day. During the night, I wanted so badly to get up and peek out my window and check out all the miserable snow that will keep me from going to work. But I refrained. I wanted to be super surprised when I woke up.

My alarm went off at 5:30. I jumped out of bed and pulled up the blinds and glared at the whole two inches we got over night. TWO INCHES. That is nothing here in Rochester. Especially when we had storm warnings predicting at least two feet. To make it better, it wasn't even snowing anymore.

I was pissed. I really wanted my snow day. I checked the news. The Snowpoclpyse blew right over us leaving us with a measly two inches that we pretty much get everyday anyways.

Gone are the days of big winter storms and hot chocolate. Snowpoclypse reminded me that I was no longer a child, but a 24 year-old adult who had to get up and work 8-5. So I sit here at my desk staring out the window and the storm I nicknamed "Storm-nothing."